Fennec Academy

About the Academy

The Fennec Academy was started in order to assist professionals in the industry with the complexities of deceased estate administration. When building our Deceased Estate Administration Platform, and having interacted with the platform's administrators, we came to the conclusion that there was a need for an institution that offered courses that would delve into the complicated and nuanced aspects of deceased estate administration that are often brushed over or misunderstood. We wanted to find something that would cover the estate administration process from start to finish - all the way from estate planning to wrapping up the deceased estate. We searched far and wide for the kind of courses that would provide the detail and knowledge we were looking for but came up short. So, we have created our own Academy that includes courses we would want to attend and provides the information we would like to know and utilise.   

Offered Courses

We have tailored a set of courses that cover the different phases and aspects of deceased estate administration. Our courses have been designed to assist both the individual who is new to estate administration and the professional who would like more in-depth knowledge on some of the intricate aspects of estate administration.  

While we have put together a set of course that we feel cover many of the key aspects, we would love to hear your suggestions for potential course topics. Please email any requests of course topics to academy@fennecgroup.co.za

The Ultimate Deceased esTate administration course

  • Days: 3-Day Course
  • Hours: 18 Hours
  • Overview: ​ This course covers the entire estate administration process from the influence of marital regimes to an overview of tax implications. The course includes a large practical component that focuses on how theory can alter L&D production.

The implicAtions of estate duty

  • Days: 1 -Day Course
  • Hours: 6 Hours
  • Overview: Understand Estate Duty & the complexities of its calculations. This course examines the many of the factors that can influence Estate Duty and how estate planning can be used as a tool to account for these factors. 

Limited real rights: what are they & how do they work?

  • Days: 1-Day Course
  • Hours: 6 Hours
  • Overview:  Understand the influence of limited real rights. The course will cover how usufructs, fideicommissum, habitatio and usus influence both estate planning and the process of wrapping up a deceased estate.

The L&D From sta​rt to finish

  • Days: 1 -Day Course
  • Hours: 6 Hours
  • Overview:  The L&D is the most central document in the deceased estate administration process. This course centers on the practical creation of a L&D.


feedback from previous course attendees